Around the world the raccoon is known as a “wash bear” for its habit of washing its food (as well as other items) and its resemblance to the bear family. That’s why we picked the “wash bear” as our name and mascot.
Washbear Detergent is an ecological and economical new way to wash your clothes. Just put a half sheet (small load) or full sheet (full load) into the basin of your washing macine and add the clothes. It’s that easy!
Works in HE machines!
No more big jugs of detergent that is mostly water and expensive to ship. No more plastic jugs in the landfills. No more messes in the laundry room.
And you will love how the detergent cleans your clothes. It’s gentle on the clothes but gets the dirt out! Available in unscented and lavender. Available at fine stores across the US or order online at